Dear F3 Community Members and Partners,

Subject: A Manifesto of Our Commitment to Care

We pen this letter with hearts full of gratitude and an unwavering resolve to share the ethos that binds the F3 community together. Our journey began with a simple but powerful notion - to create a safe space for women to feel seen, safe, and heard. Today, we stand as a testament to the power of collective action, and we write to reaffirm the principles that guide us.

Since our inaugural event in Vancouver, which brought over 1000 women together both virtually and in person to explore the realms of web3, we have tirelessly pursued a mission that transcends boundaries. We have:

  1. Rewarded $35,000 USD in grants to female founders,
  2. Ensured safe travel and accommodation for our 50+ community members, staff, and team,
  3. Extended over $10,000 worth of honorariums to female speakers,
  4. Offered childcare for every parent in our community,
  5. Supported volunteers and community organizers through over $10,000 of honorariums,
  6. Tirelessly advocated for female speakers and leaders through dozens of job referrals and speaking opportunities on stages like ETH Denver, DevConnect, and ETH CC,

...and so much more.

At the heart of F3 lies a profound understanding that the strength of a community lies in its core values. The women who form our core leadership - Annee Park, Valerie Song, Saleha Jaweid, Mila Bozinov, Natasha Ali, and Hetal Patel - have laid the foundation of our community with their sacrifices, vision, and dedication. We stand behind these incredible women who personify our values and aspirations.

F3 stands for:

F3 does NOT stand for: